Monday, February 11, 2008

2nd Visit with Chase in Guatemala

What an adventure.... it was definitely a different experience than last time. Chase is very attached to his new foster mom (we think she never puts him down.) The first day he would only allow me to hold him - which was sad because Erich couldn't wait to meet and hold his son. However, as you can see from the photos it just took him about a day and he was warming up to all of us including his grandpa. He is very healthy and happy. It was a little easier to depart this time knowing how much he loved his FM and that it would only be a short while until we were back to get him for good.

1 comment:

grandpa reis said...

Cory and Erich like to get their pictures taken but this week end their smiles were markedly different. Chase had his Mom and Dad at the same time. It took a day but after that Chase was as smiley as those two. It was kind of emotional for me seeing Erich hold his son for the first time. Can't wait for them to get to enjoy their son at home.