Saturday, January 26, 2008

We have been registered!!!

Over the past couple of weeks things have been moving along nicely in Guatemala. The Central Authority has been set up,our forms have been filled out and we have been registered. We now wait 8 business days and Maria will go back to pick up the official certificate of registration. Then you know what that means: back to PGN we go. We are hoping that PGN really wants the cases completed that our under the old rules - so hurry up PGN and get to processing.....

Only 12 more days until we see Chase again....

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Medical Update at 7 1/2 months

As you can see Chase's foster mom is definitely taking care of him. He is now 21 pounds; that means he has gained 3lbs. since he has been with her. Wow!!! He has no idea how many people can't wait to pinch those cheeks.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

We were booted today!

Carol called me today to let us know that we were kicked out (KO) of PGN today. Bummer!!! Like I stated before, we now have to wait and get registered with Central Authority before we can go back in. Bad News still is that CA is not registering cases yet. Therefore, we are haulted for the moment. Please pray for a miracle!!!! That CA will start registering cases and we can get back into PGN quickly and then out in less than 8 weeks. Oh and don't forget to pray that we don't have nervous breakdowns before he comes home. :)

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Pre-Approval Received Today!

Something told me to check my email account just like I had been doing all day long for the past 2 weeks however this time was different. There was an email from the US Embassy stating that our case has been approved to move forward with the Guatemala process, PGN. What does this mean??? We have already been in PGN for two weeks now and awaiting a kickout for lack of PA. Then the dilemma was before we could go back into PGN we had to register with Central Authority which wasn't set up yet. Well CA now has an address and I believe that all 3 members have been identified and we should know the registration process this week. Therefore, hopefully by the time we receive a kick out we will be registered and able to go back in immediately. This is great news! We are in the final steps to bring Chase home for good. But please keep praying!

A Package for Chase

Today we shipped a package with clothes, blankets, toys, a letter to the fostermother,more disposable cameras and another photo book of ourselves so he knows who we are. We learned that because Chase had to be moved to another foster family so quickly that he didn't get to keep any of the items we had previously given to him. That's okay - things are replaceable but his health is Number ONE! Another member of Carol's group Anna was nice enough to take this package with her to Guatemala. Thank you Anna and congrats on your pick up trip.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

An update for 2008!

We entered the final stage called PGN at the end of December. Even though we didn't have our PA (Pre-Approval), Maria felt like we needed to go ahead and get a PGN #. Therefore, we are awaiting a KO (kick-out) for not having our PA. Here is the kicker... as of January 1, 2008 PGN stated that they would not accept any new cases or resubmittals after kickout without registering with The Central Authority. Bad news - Central Authority is not even set up yet. Therefore, we are expecting a delay in the process while CA is being set up. We have heard rumors from 2 weeks to 2 months time frame. No one knows at this point. Good News - we have booked a 2nd trip to see Chase. Erich, myself and Jerry will be going February 7-10. Erich and his dad will be meeting Chase for the first time!!! Please pray for us that this process will start rolling, it is really trying our patience. Stay tuned for updated pictures soon - Chase is now over 7 months old.